Saturday, June 1, 2013

Karoline's 6th Birthday

The Sweet Karoline has turned 6. She really feels like NOW she has reached big girl status!
We are so proud of her and all she has accomplished this year.  First off, she began Kindergarten this year and is doing very well. She really loves to draw and color and do anything crafty.  Her sweet spirit is always making things for people and wanting to plan parties for those having a birthday .
She has accomplished so much by way of speech this year. She is speaking much clearer and makes a real effort when going to her therapy.  Even Klaire has been asking when is it her turn to go to speech! They all know Karoline has a great time when she is there.
One interesting thing our little princess has developed an interest in... BOYS! She really really likes them a lot. So we are having to reign her in on this front and keep her in check. And she is quick to say that God will pick out her husband, although she has many options right now.
This has been a year of educational growth too, since she started Kindergarten. She is learning to read, enjoys math, and keeps up with her big sister in our KONOS studies. She is a quick learner and is (usually) excited to do schoolwork.
Even though Karoline is my pack-rat, she is also developing a great skill for organizing like her big sister. She moved up in the world and got her own desk recently and has been keeping it so neat and clean! I was beginning to get a bit worried about this in her, but she has proven that she too can keep her special things neat and tidy (I am a bit anal about that).
She is still very much a home body, and likes to stay where Mama stays. Although, she is quite content to play by herself and listen to audiobooks, she wants to know the I am close by. She recently attempted a sleepover at her Grammy and Big Jim's house. It went well, till she talked to her Daddy on the phone, and then she wanted to come home. Since then, she has been attached to home. And that is fine She says when she gets older she will try again.
Each year is so exciting to look back and see how far Karoline has come since I started this blog 6 years ago. She has grown so much in so many areas, and we all look forward to seeing how the Lord will continue to shape and mold her.

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