Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Katy's last year in the single digits!

Wow! She is 9! I really can't believe how quickly she has grown up into a little lady. As you can tell, the girl has style. But she also has many other wonderful qualities that have nothing to do with the fact that she is great at picking out cute outfits.

She is a helper. She has many responsible jobs around our home. She helps with the kitchen clean up daily, keeps her side of the room nice and organzied, and is very helpful in keeping things neat. But she more importantly, enjoys helping with her little brother and reading and sharing her knowledge with her sisters. She says she would like to be a teacher one day and teach her children. She is well on her way.

She is caring. Katy is such a giver. She enjoys preparing gifts for family and friends weeks ahead of time. She especially likes to make things for her little friends and use her crafty abilities. Just the other day, Karoline had incured a head injury from a board book (via Jay) and was hurting badly. Katy went and made her a card and gave her a dollar inside of it. It certainly helped cheer Karoline up (espeically the money). But that is just one of the many sweet things she does for her family.

She is smart. I am partial (as any parent should be), but Katy is pretty quick. Kris and I tried several ways to speak in code around the kids, and Katy seems to always break it! She has really useful ideas around the house to help in organizing different areas. And to boot, she is book smart. She is doing great in her school work and is (usually) very motivated.  It is exciting to be able to teach her more complex ideas now and have deeper conversations.

It is such a privilage to have our sweet Katy. She is a blessing in so many ways and so special to us. As we watch the Lord grow her into a young lady, we look forward to her growth spiritually and intellectually.

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